What I have been up to…

So I slacked on some of my Blender studies and I am currently trying to renew that flame by, learning how to make games in Uni

Happy New Year

Well it is now 2023, lets hope it will be a year filled with new beginnings. My journey had taken a detour with all the holida

New Stuff Coming Soon

It’s been a quiet month or so when it comes to learning 3d, been busy with a other projects in my child’s homescho

Finished the Dungeon Builder

So I finally finished section 2 of the Blender course I am taking, the goal was create a modular dungeon and how to both model

Ah September

Well I am still working on the course that I had suggested last week. I am working on these low poly pillars that are going to

Finished Section 1 Complete Blender Creator

This was a great primer into learning the interface and creating something worth posting. As I look back at my previous save f

Educational Course of the Week!

So for this weeks learning I am using: Complete Blender Creator: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners The course is being taught b

The Blender Journey

I have recently picked up learning Blender to rebuild my old 3D Artist skillset. I am having fun learning how to use it, I tri

The not so quick startup

Getting back into art doesn’t seems as easy as it seems. When motivation comes into play there are so many things tend t

Hello world!

When something is created for the first time Hello World seems to best starting point, in programming it is the first thing th